The 3M™ LifeASSURE™ BA Series Filter Cartridge is designed for food and beverage applications that require reduction of fine particles and spoilage microorganisms. This product features a robust nylon 6,6 membrane that is characterized by excellent flow and low pressure drop, and is designed to provide ideal performance.
The 3M™ LifeASSURE™ BA Series Filter Cartridge is designed for precise clarification of fluids in food and beverage applications by effectively reducing contaminating yeast, molds and most spoilage bacteria from liquids. Decreased Filtration Costs Cartridge filter life is directly proportional to filter area and inversely proportional to face velocity (flow rate per filter area). For most beverages, when the filter area is doubled at the same flow rate, the throughput is increased by two and one half times. With the high surface area of 3M™ LifeASSURE™ BA Series Filter Cartridge, the face velocity can be lower and throughput greater than with lower surface area cartridges. 3M™ LifeASSURE™ BA Series Filter Cartridges withstand a mild alkaline flush after each days run (typically 30 minutes of forward recirculation of 23% NaOH at 140 °F [60°C]). Throughputs are improved from 3 to 10 times for most beverages, depending on when the cleaning cycles are started. Integrity Testing Users can also perform integrity tests in situ to ensure performance. Bubble point pressure, diffusion flow, or pressure hold procedures can be performed while filters are in the housing, thus demonstrating the cartridge's efficiency to filter spoilage microorganisms on line. Wine Beer Bottled water Soft drinks Distilled spirits Intermediates and ingredients Syrups Dyes and flavors
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